Why, Honolulu?

Hawaii Interstate SignWhat state does this interstate go to?

measles bus fishWhy was this cartoon fish given smallpox? Is it meant to be cute smallpox?

sheraton sand sculptureWhy don’t I live somewhere that has a regularly updated sand sculpture in the lobby? Where are my life choices lacking?

sheraton sandmanAnd just what is he smirking at?

conedWhy don’t all states use “coned” as a verb on street signs? It’s delightful.

diamond head end of trail signWho made this sign necessary?

dog in bagWhat this dog? Why? How?

honolulu statue of libertyWhose idea was this?

honolulu tourist busesAre the trolleys just to convey the most “Americaness” possible in a single mode of transportation? What cultural thing is it exactly that makes cartoon-covered open-air buses a preferred method of transportation? (This is one version of many.)

shooting clubWhat on earth must we look like to other countries?

hawaiian airlines safetyWhy are region/country-specific airlines so rad?

honolulu dog clothes 1How awesome is this dog?

dog clothes 2Seriously, how awesome?

hnl airport lei standWhat would it take for every airport to have a lei stand?


Previously in Hawaii: Valuable Travel Tips for Your Waikiki Vacation and Hanauma Bay: The Most Dangerous Place on Earth. Still to come: in which we go hiking and get covered with mud.

Hanauma Bay: The Most Dangerous Place on Earth

Or: A Semi-Complete Record of the Warning Signs of a Mighty Fine Snorkeling Spot.

hanauma bay 1

One of my main goals* for Hawaii was snorkeling, something I’ve been longing to do for the last, oh, four or five years. We decided to go to Hanauma Bay on the basis that it is beautiful, and because of a lovely teenage memory of chasing a glorious rainbow fish through the coral for what felt like hours.** Continue reading